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Procrastination Free Write

The following is a free write on procrastination:

Procrastination is something that everyone does. It seems nearly impossible to avoid. It’s done subconsciously. I tend to procrastinate on things I don’t want to do. I think that is the determination of whether I will procrastinate on a particular thing or not. For example even if I were to have something I didn’t want to do, but wanted to do more than another thing I really didn’t want to do, I will do that thing first. In this way procrastination can be a big motivator, but also a big source of stress. I’ve noticed that procrastination is a huge source of stress in my life. So when I am putting something off and I still know I am going to have to come back and do that later, I will stress. I also think that because of this I go a little procrastination-crazy. For example, I will try to get everything out of the way the moment I get it. (sometimes). As a result, if I’m working on something that is a project and is supposed to occur over a period of time I feel a lot of stress. Not necessarily because it is a big project, but because I can’t get it out of the way. The issue is that I procrastinate on really uncomfortable things like having a difficult conversation. And this just causes me way more stress because I am thinking about how I will have to deal with that thing I am procrastinating on eventually and it just nags and nags and nags. So in summary, I feel that procrastinating is something I generally try to avoid. However, this past year of college has kind of changed because I have gotten so busy with things I tend to procrastinate more. Not because I decide to, but because I have to. I can’t do everything right away and some stuff just gets done last. This is somewhat unfortunate. Also if I have more personal things like seeing family or things that I feel are more important I will procrastinate on everything else because I feel that I tend to have an unbalanced work/personal life skewing towards the side of working too much. As a result I try to procrastinate on the work to focus on family or other things like that. In this way I think procrastination is good. And when I do this I don’t stress as much. Maybe this is because I am busier. Maybe it is because I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time. I think one reason that procrastination causes me so much stress is because I feel as though I am wasting my time if I’m not being productive. When I’m with my family or doing something I think is more important in life I tend to not stress as much.

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