10 Things I Saw Today 8/21/17
Here are 7 things that I saw on the first day of documentary production. The first five are a collection of things I remembered and wrote...
Inadequate Images Reflection
A reflection on Herzog's thoughts on "Inadequate Images" I think that every choice in filmmaking comes back to purpose. What is the...
Planning For First Project
We began planning for our short to describe a day in the life of a college student: Our film will be a mixture of the influences of...
Procrastination Free Write
The following is a free write on procrastination: Procrastination is something that everyone does. It seems nearly impossible to avoid....
The Language of Film Response
In The Language of Film, Michael Wohl lists many different shots and describes the impact they have. This is a summary of those shots....
Nanook and Kunuk
Any form of art portrays reality. Some in ways more figurative than others, but all with the goal of trying to show a particular...