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Beliefs - Free Writing

Intention is everything. - It dictates people's actions and you can tell what a person's beliefs are

Kindness is key. - You should be concerned about having the best impact on people possible.

Everyone is doing what they do for a reason - If you ask enough questions and dig below the surface enough, everyone inherently has a reason for why they do the things they do. Even if the things they do are bad. You can come to an understanding if you know a person well enough.

As you get to know a person, the more you know about them and the more you understand why they do the things they do the more you will love them.

There are no rules to filmmaking. Or to any art form - There are suggestions, and there is a reason for those suggestions. But if you follow the rules blindly what you create will be boring pieces of mush.

The core of your artistic work must be founded on something. You have to have an idea. Some truth at the center of your work. Or it is meaningless style. It's pointless. There is no reason for it to exist. It's just mush.

Those truths at the center of your work can be good and evil. You have to be conscious of what that thing you are saying at the center of your work is because if you aren't careful it can just not exist. Or it can be something that is a lie that will negatively impact the world.

Your goal in life should be to have as positive an impact on the world as possible.

Earnestness is the most important trait of all.

How did this idea form? Where did it come from? How firmly do you believe it? Why do I maintain it? What would make me change my belief?

Everyone is doing what they do for a reason - If you ask enough questions and dig below the surface enough, everyone inherently has a reason for why they do the things they do. Even if the things they do are bad. You can come to an understanding if you know a person well enough.

This idea has come from getting to know people in life and in the movies I watch. On a more movie level, I realize that I connect to a character best and I understand why they are doing the things they do. I also know that in life if I understand why people act a certain way I sympathize with them. A TV show I think really exemplifies this is Bojack Horseman. Many of the characters, Bojack Horseman especially, are people who you really would hate on the surface. But as you dig deeper into who they and why they are that way. What events in their life cause them to act the way they act, or give them their fundamental beliefs, you end up loving them. You understand them. You can't hate them. Who they are really isn't their fault. But it is in a way. Because they are who they are. They may be a bad person. But you can't blame them for being a bad person. So in a way I believe this 100% and 0% at the same time. Not 50%, not an average. But both at the same time. Like Schrodinger's cat. It's strange. I don't think anything could make me change my belief. But then again no one does.

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