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10 Things I Saw Today 8/21/17

Here are 7 things that I saw on the first day of documentary production. The first five are a collection of things I remembered and wrote down. Then we went out and just took photographs in Langsam Library for the next five.

Solar eclipse:

Camera notices things are getting dimmer strangely. Tilts very quickly upwards to rest on the sun and sets the eclipse glasses on top to see the image

Tasty thai food someone else was eating:

Looking at the person opening the thai food container, the camera tilts downward and zooms in to focus on the food

Shampoo on the shelves of Kroger:

Camera pans along the shelves of the Kroger very quickly. Stops, goes backwards to land on the bottle of shampoo.

Late student arriving at class:

Motionless camera on a mostly static frame. A flash of pink in the corner in the distance through the studio window. The camera zooms in on it to reveal the student entering through the doorway.

Room 462 banner:

Camera moving steadily forward throught the library. Focus shifts to land on the “462” banner in the distance. Eventually the camera arrives there.

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