Idealistic Film School
What would be in your ideal film school?
An ideal film school would involve a limited class structure. You choose what classes to go to. You don't have prerequisites. Just choose what to go to.
There are places for students to meet other students excited in making films. Easy to connect and create things.
There are spaces that show off amazing student work. Students can show their own films in places where all will see.
There are plenty of small cozy theaters for students to gather and watch films and content.
Students get to talk to other students. It's encouraged.
Everyone lives around everyone else and you have to meet with other students to talk.
Reflection is the main required thing. You aren't graded on it. It doesn't have to follow a structure. Just reflect. That's all you are required to do. It should be loose and resemble free writing.
There should be an emphasis put on new and unique experiences. Travel should be encouraged.
Risk taking is encouraged.
Access to equipment is given and people can learn easily how to use whatever it is they want.
Students do not have specifically assigned projects. It is up to them to motivate themselves to rent out and use equipment to make projects.
Trust is placed on the students to learn and learn well.
Student film festivals that show off work are given.
Students are encouraged to experiment and try different things.
Connectivity with students from all different backgrounds.
Open communication with professors who are working on their own projects. Professors should be open to talking to students on a casual basis.